Самбірський фаховий коледж економіки та інформаційних технологій


Самбірський фаховий коледж
економіки та інформаційних технологій

International Department of the Sambir Applied College of Economics and Information Technologies

Sambir Applied College of Economics and Information Technologies is a place where dreams come true! Founded back in 1945, our college has grown from a small technical school into a modern institution that forms a new generation of specialists. We create not just specialists, but future leaders in the world of economics, technology, tourism and entrepreneurship.

Founded in 1945: 7 classrooms, 60 students, 10 teachers… That’s how it all started. And now it is a space full of young energy, where every step brings you closer to new heights. We offer education in specialities that open the door to your dream career:


Economics: Your opportunity to change the financial world.

Software Engineering: Create the future with code.

Entrepreneurship and trade: Become the one who dictates the market rules.

Tourism and recreation: Discover the world with us.

Hotel and restaurant business: Make people’s every day unforgettable.


Today, Sambir College is a place where history, modernity and great ambitions come together. Join our family and open new horizons with us!


We are open to partnerships with educational, business and technology organisations interested in exchanging experience, joint research and student development through academic mobility and integration programmes.

Sambir Applied College of Economics and Information Technologies has a Regulation on the implementation of international projects, grants and agreements.


Why choose SACEIT?

– A professional approach to training specialists in the digital economy.

– Innovative training programmes that meet the needs of the market.

– Experience in international projects and cooperation with European partners.

– Internship and employment opportunities at leading companies.

– We invite foreign partners to cooperate with us in creating the future of innovative education!



The main mission of our international department

We strive to create a bridge between educational institutions, businesses and organisations around the world. Our goal is to develop projects that inspire, unite, and promote the professional growth of students and teachers.

Key areas of our activity

  1. Project cooperation

Implementation of joint educational, research and social projects with foreign partners.

  1. International internships

Organising exchange programmes for students and teachers.

  1. Conferences and seminars

Events aimed at sharing experiences, developing new ideas and strengthening partnerships.

  1. Attracting grants

Search for and participation in grant programmes to finance international initiatives.

Projects we are implementing


🌍 Educational projects

– ‘Drone Academy, Polish-Ukrainian creative workshops’ is a project in cooperation with the centre for vocational and continuing education ‘Elektryk’, higher vocational school No. 13 in Ivano-Frankivsk.


– Polish-Ukrainian project ‘Academy of Technology – Concept, Creation, Product’ in cooperation with the Elektryk Centre for Vocational and Continuing Education.


Polish-Ukrainian Academy of 3-D Printing

🌎 International internships

  • – ‘International professional internship in Germany’ at the invitation of the director of the educational centre Grzegorz Konigsberg Centrum Kształcenia Zawodowego i Ustawicznego CKZiU “Elektryk” Nowa Sól.
  • – Practice in WSA Spree-Havel Ausbildungswerkstatt Germany.


System DREAM 

Sambir Apllied College of Economics and Information Technologies is a member of the state digital ecosystem for accountable recovery management, which creates a digital pathway for all recovery, rehabilitation and development projects and ensures their transparent and effective implementation at the national, regional and local levels.

DREAM is a ‘one-stop shop’ for working with recovery projects.

The SACEIT, guided by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 1286 dated 15.11.2022 ‘On the implementation of a pilot project on the creation, implementation and maintenance of the Unified Digital Integrated Information and Analytical System for the Management of the Reconstruction of Real Estate, Construction and Infrastructure’, appointed a responsible person from 01.05.2024.


Why cooperate with us?

– Experience in implementing projects in the international environment.

– Innovative approach to training and development.

– Focus on real results and sustainable development.

Contact information





+38 (067) 260 09 83




+38 (097) 096 68 22




+38 (096) 129 45 02


Head of the International Department: Mariia LADYCHUK

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More information about the activities of SACEIT

Sambir Abblied College of Economics and Information Technologies is a state educational institution that trains specialists of the educational and professional degree ‘Professional Junior Bachelor’ in accordance with the needs of the labour market. Each milestone in the history of the college is the result of daily hard and creative work, the formation of the best educational goals and cultural traditions.


Our college is not only a glorious history and traditions, it is an educational institution with a young soul, creative energy, inspiration and determination, which have been formed, opening the way to new opportunities and prospects for professional growth.


         Currently, educational activities are carried out in accordance with the Licence of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine for the training of professional junior bachelors and the provision of complete general secondary education in the following specialities

– 051 Economics

– 073 Management

– 076 Entrepreneurship and trade

– 121 Software engineering

– 125 Cybersecurity and information protection

– 242 Tourism and recreation

– 241 Hotel and restaurant business

Sambir Abblied College of Economics and Information Technology offers an exciting range of study programmes that will help you find your professional calling:



This programme is an ideal choice for those who want to understand the secrets of financial management, data analysis and business process optimisation. You will be able to work in the fields of economics, construction, trade, transport or even telecommunications.



The programme teaches you the ability to manage teams, develop strategies and make decisions, think analytically, communicate effectively, and manage projects and risks. This is the key to successful resource management, which opens up wide opportunities for development.


Commercial activities and logistics

For those who want to build a career in trade, logistics or supply chain management, this programme will be the first step towards success. You will be able to work as a commercial agent, commodity expert, freight forwarder or even a broker.




Tourism and recreation

Do you dream of organising trips, accompanying tourists or creating unforgettable experiences? This programme opens the way to work as a tour guide, travel organiser, tourism instructor or rural tourism development specialist.


Hotel and restaurant management

The programme is designed for those who want to work in the hospitality industry. You will learn how to create comfort for guests, organise events, and manage service in hotels and restaurants.


Duration of study on the basis of complete general secondary education – 2 years 10 months;

                                                                    on the basis of general education – 1 year 10 months.

Software development

If you are passionate about technology, love solving complex problems and creating something new, this programme will help you become a specialist in programming, system administration or software development.


Cybersecurity and information protection

By studying this programme, students will acquire practical skills in protecting digital systems, networks and data from malicious attacks, unauthorised access and potential damage.


Duration of study on the basis of complete general secondary education – 3 years 10 months;

                                                                  on the basis of general education – 2 years 10 months.

Our teaching staff is not just a team of professionals. They are people who inspire, reveal talents and help students reach the top. Among our teachers are specialists with international experience who bring modern teaching methods, intercultural communication and global perspectives to the classroom. Their main goal is to develop not only knowledge, but also the ability to think creatively, work in teams and become leaders.


The team of teachers (60 people) of our educational institution is highly qualified and has international experience (5 teachers). They provide not only quality knowledge, but also contribute to the development of creative thinking, leadership skills and intercultural communication.

Our students are bright, ambitious and creative individuals. They not only achieve high academic results but also actively participate in international projects, internships and research. As a result, they gain invaluable practical experience and confidence in their competitiveness in the global labour market.


By participating in international programmes, internships, and research projects, our students gain practical experience that allows them to be competitive in the global labour market.


In total, 754 students are enrolled at SACEIT.

Cooperation agreements with EU educational institutions on student exchange and internships:


– Agreement with the Electrician Centre for Vocational and Continuing Education (Nowa Slota, Republic of Poland) (7 September 2023);

– Cooperation Agreement with EfAfau Service GmbH, a non-profit limited liability company (Germany) (11 October 2021);

– Cooperation Agreement with the SKILSPRINT International Centre (Varna, Bulgaria);

– Agreement on virtual interaction with the American volunteer of the US Peace Corps in Ukraine (16 September 2024);

– Memorandum of Cooperation with the Stefan Banach Complex of Technical and Secondary Schools (Jarosław, Poland);


International activities in the field of scientific and technical cooperation (projects, programmes and events):


– Strategic session ‘EU eTwinning Programme – new opportunities for international cooperation for Ukrainian educational institutions’ (09.03.2024, Kyiv)

– VI International scientific and practical web forum ‘Development of a single open information space for lifelong learning’ (26.03.2024, Kyiv-Kharkiv)

– II International Scientific and Practical Forum ‘Hospitality Industry: State, development trends and prospects of the industry in the context of European integration and military challenges’ (17.04.2024 – 19.04.2024, Lviv)

– ІІ Міжнародний практичний форум «Індустрія гостинності: Стан, тенденції розвитку та перспективи галузі в умовах євроінтеграції та військових Challenges’ (18.04.2024, Lviv)

– II International Scientific and Practical Conference ‘Management in a Modern Educational Institution: Problems, searches, prospects’ (21.05.2024, Sumy, Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A.S. Makarenko)

– International scientific journal ‘EDUCATION AND SCIENCE’ (May 2024)

– International project ‘Polish-Ukrainian Academy of 3D Printing’ (01.10.2024, Nowa Siel, Poland)

– Participation in the project ‘Raising awareness of Sambir students about separate waste sorting’ within the framework of the UPSHIFT programme with the support of UNICEF and the German government through the German State Development Bank KfW.

– V International scientific and practical online conference ‘STEM education: state of implementation and development prospects’ 14.11.2024.

– XXIII International Scientific and Technical Conference ‘Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Systems’ (AIIS’2023) 10-11 October 2024.